KUKU Kaardid & Kingitused

Meie motto on – “jaga armastust! Ja just seda me oma meeskonnaga teemegi. Koos KUKU Kaartide ja kingitustega saab tähistada igat päeva! Me toome klientideni laia valiku õnnitluskaarte igaks sündmuseks ja tähtpäevaks. Meid leiab kõrge kvaliteediga poodidest üle Eesti, Baltimaade ja Skandinaavia.

KUKU Cards & Gifts

Our motto is “share the love” and that’s exactly what we try to do every day. The simple act of giving
a card is all about expressing love, congratulations or friendship with the recipient: whether we are
celebrating a birthday together or marking another significant event in their lives.
Choosing a card – finding exactly the right card for a particular person is a part of that expression of
love, and our job at Kuku is to make sure that we develop a selection that allows clients to find
exactly the right card for their friend.
KUKU cards – Share the Love.